
Who will be a 2018 Staff Recognition All-Star?

That depends on you. Who will you nominate?

What makes someone a Staff Recognition All-Star? He or she does a good job of using simple, cost-effective ways to recognize others for what they do, in ways that the recipients value.

And only you can put them where they deserve to be: on the list when the 2018 Staff-Recognition All-Star lineup is announced in October.

Some potential Staff Recognition All-Stars are in leadership roles—principals, managers, department heads, supervisors—while others may have no title but still do a standout job of saying thank you. It may be the co-worker who sits at the next desk, the teacher in the classroom down the hallway, or an administrative assistant from another department.

They could work anywhere—in a school, a health-care facility, a non-profit or a government office. Or maybe they work for an energy company, in a manufacturing plant, for a retail business or in the hospitality sector. The all-star could be your supervisor, someone who you supervise, a co-worker (remember the power of peer recognition) or someone with whom you don’t work, but whose staff recognition practices are known to you.

The deadline for submission is Tuesday, October 9, 2018, with the all-star lineup to be announced just in time for National Boss Day on Tuesday, October 16, 2018.

Fill out the form below to nominate your Staff-Recognition All-Star.

Or click here to download a Word docx version which you can complete and submit via email.

Staff-Recognition All-Stars 2018 Nomination Form

Please use this form to submit your nomination for the 2018 Staff-Recognition All-Stars.

* Indicates required field

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