
Peer Recognition

Celebrate the Power of Peer Recognition

What every workplace needs is more of the most powerful recognition of all…peer recognition.

You can unleash the power of peer recognition in your workplace by joining the movement to observe the third Tuesday of each month as Peer Recognition Day. Use this day to remind staff of the importance of recognizing co-workers… on this day and as well every other day of the month.

No one understands better what’s involved in doing a job well than another who does the same job. Co-workers know what skills are required and the challenges that must be met to be successful.

Knowing that peers understand adds credibility to their positive comments about a co-worker’s contributions and achievements. Peers trust peers. This is what makes peer recognition work.

Clearly peer recognition is important enough that it deserves its own day… at least once a month.

For more about peer recognition, read Co-workers: a potent source of recognition. This article includes several tips on how to encourage peer recognition.

“Some want to be recognized by you, ‘the boss’.
Others see their peers as the truest source of recognition.
Others crave their praise on a public stage.
Others shun the glare of publicity,
valuing only that quiet, private word of thanks.”

— Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman, First, Break All the Rules

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