
On an employee's first day

Answer this question before it is asked

Most of us who have made hiring decisions have been asked at one time or another by an unsuccessful candidate, “Why didn’t I get the job?” A much less common question is the one asked by the person who had just been hired, “Why did I get the job?”

Don’t wait to be asked this second question! On the new employee’s first day, or even sooner, meet with the newcomer. Share the reasons that she was hired. What did you like in what you saw on her resume or heard during the interview? What skills do you feel she can bring to her new positions?

This dose of positives will get the newcomer off to a good start. You have let her know that she is valued for her knowledge and skills that she can contribute to the organization. Show your ongoing commitment to her development by discussing her career goals and how your organization may be able to help her reach these goals.

First impressions are important. How we treat employees on their first day can have a powerful and lasting effect. When employees are made to feel ignored, unappreciated or a bother on their first day, they will begin to think about finding their next job.

The process of recognizing staff and letting them know they are valued should begin on Day 1 and continue as long as they work there. Because we always identify positives about candidates before we hire them, feedback based on the interview is a great place to begin.

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